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in Bokashi by (2.4k points)
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Basic Recipe for Activated Friendly Microbe "soup":

  • blood-warm, de-chlorinated water (leave it standing for a few hours, or boil and cool)
  • un-activated FM mother culture (FM= one of: EM, Biosa, etc)
  • unpasteurized blackstrap molasses
  • Ratio:  750ml  water : 15ml friendly microbes : 15ml  molasses ...optionally a pinch of sea salt and/or kelp
  • put the microbial starter in last 
  • for bokashi: let it stand for 15 minutes and go to bokashi recipe
  • for all other uses, ferment 4+ days @25+ degrees until pH<3.8 

Local Suppliers of FM:  see bottom of https://www.appropedia.org/Bokashi


related to an answer for: Useful summary of Bokashi making?
by (2.4k points)
for a 2L bottle:   40ml microbial starter : 40ml molasses   (roughly 3 tbsp = 40 ml)
by (2.4k points)
pH paper with the correct range can be acquired from:

Bosagrape Winery & Beer Supplies
6908 Palm Avenue
Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5J 4M3

A 5 - 10 minute walk from the Royal Oak Skytrain Station


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