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in Bokashi by (2.4k points)
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Since April 2010, Richmond does Green Can pickup for:  

  • fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, table scraps, meat and bones, pizza delivery boxes and paper towels and much more along with yard and trimmings,
  • using Green Cans collected on the same days as garbage and recycling
  • The facility to process it is in East Richmond:  https://www.ecowaste.com/

Does Fraser Soil and Fiber  (also in East Richmond) use a bokashi-like system?

  • Q: What kinds of food can be composted at Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre?
  • A: All food scraps, including vegetables, fruit, meat, seafood, bread/baked goods, grains, dairy, eggs, coffee grounds and filters, plate scrapings can be composted. Wood produce crates and floral waste can also be included.
  • first commercial-scale high solids anaerobic digestion (HSAD) facility in Canada... aka dry fermentation
  • FRSF is the largest compost manufacturer in British Columbia and operates the largest certified composting facility in North America
  • Organic waste management specialist Harvest Power has acquired Fraser Richmond Soil and Fibre (Fraser Richmond) from the Augustine family



by (2.4k points)
Armstrong did an experiment with using Bokashi to ferment and compost 1500kg of food waste from a regional fair ... and made a movie about it: https://www.vernonmorningstar.com/lifestyles/118611819.html

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